Nu te inregistra daca esti idiot sau agramat!


Conversation Between skyWalker and Jack

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sincer nu am insa stiu pe cineva care te-ar putea ajuta, da-mi add sa vb:
  2. Un addons de cs mod csgo ai si tu?
  3. da-mi mesaj!! asdsa
  4. Ms frum
  5. La multi ani !!!!!!!!!
  6. )))))))))))))

    e o pula
  7. Contu ala e 500 de euro
  8. Owner pe bb = 20 EUro
    Vip permanent = 15 euro

    Total 35 Euro ?
  9. Ar trebui tu pt contu ala de cr
  10. in cur ? )
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 59
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