Quote Originally Posted by xeleron View Post
Prin 2014 (daca imi aduc aminte bine) am urmarit un documentar despre Hitler si depedenta lui pentru medicamente. La un moment dat naratorul a specificat ca germani luau Pervitin, ceva bazat pe morfina sau metamfetamina (crystal meth).

Cu un mic search pe net, am gasit asta: http://www.spiegel.de/international/...-a-354606.html

Oricum si aliatii se spargeau pe cinste:

"Even within the British Army they aware about the opportunities of amphetamine, including Bernard Montgomery that ordered large quantities for the settlement of El Alamein. The instructions in November 1942 from the British commander in the Middle East allowed the staff to take up to 20 milligrams per day for five days, which is a relatively high dose. There were at least one friendly fire incident from the battle in which the question was put if the usage of amphetamine affected the soldier that was involved."
"The Americans also conducted research on the effects of amphetamine. At first there was skepticism about whether it had any advantage over caffeine, but the same thing happened here as with Germans and Britons: they did not wait for the research results, and the usage of amphetamine pills was leaking into the organization. In February 1943 the Army Supply Service announced that Benzedrine pills of 5 milligrams were available. Eisenhower ordered without delay half a million pills to the troops in North Africa. Benzedrine then was used throughout the war by the army, aviation and marine corps.
The view of amphetamines was relatively unchanged during the first decades after World War II. Since then, the legal use became significantly more restricted, but they still use amphetamine-based “wake up”-pills - under strict medical supervision - in the U.S. armed forces, for example Trans-Atlantic flights."

Cam tarziu ai venit cu "stirea"
Pe sursa mea e de acum cateva zile shhh