18-06-19, 00:25
Batter up! Bibi’s got a sweet swing that can knock back enemies when her Home Run bar is charged. Her Super is a bouncing ball of gum that deals damage.
Release date: May 22, 2019
Epic Brawler announced in the May “Retropolis” update.
First Brawler to feature an attack charge mechanic.
Main attack – Three Strikes
Bibi’s main attack knocks back enemies when her Home Run bar is charged.
The Home Run bar charges while having all 3 swings at the ready.
Super Attack – Spitball
Bibi bats a bouncing ball of bubble gum that deals damage and can hit the enemy multiple times.
Star Power – Home Run
Bibi’s movement speed is increased while her Home Run bar is fully charged.
Release date: May 22, 2019
Epic Brawler announced in the May “Retropolis” update.
First Brawler to feature an attack charge mechanic.
Main attack – Three Strikes
Bibi’s main attack knocks back enemies when her Home Run bar is charged.
The Home Run bar charges while having all 3 swings at the ready.
Super Attack – Spitball
Bibi bats a bouncing ball of bubble gum that deals damage and can hit the enemy multiple times.
Star Power – Home Run
Bibi’s movement speed is increased while her Home Run bar is fully charged.