27-06-19, 11:52
New Brawler - Tick
🏆Available in the Trophy Road for 4000 Trophies 🏆
- Main attack: Minimines
Tick's main attack launches three mines that detonate on contact with an enemy or after a short delay
- Super Attack: Headfirst
Tick launches his head as a homing projectile that damages enemies in an area. The head can be destroyed before it reaches the target.
- Star Power: Well Oiled
Tick's self-regeneration starts 2 seconds earlier
New Star Powers
Every Brawler is getting a new Star Power. They will be released throughout the summer, so stay tuned! You can only equip one Star Power at a time. They can be equipped on the Brawler selection screen or in the Main Menu. They are available in Brawl Boxes and Shop offers. Star Powers can now be selected in the Main Menu and Brawler Menu.
Shelly - Band-Aid: When Shelly falls below 40% health, she instantly returns to full health. Band-Aid recharges in 20.0 seconds
Nita - Hyper Bear: Nita’s bear attacks faster. The time between swipes is reduced by 50%
Colt - Magnum Special: Colt’s main attack range and bullet speed are increased by 11%
Bull - Tough Guy: When Bull falls below 40%, health he gains a shield that reduces all damage taken by 30%
Jessie - Shocky: Scrappy, the Turret, now shoots energy orbs that bounce between enemies
Brock - Rocket Number Four: Brock finally gains one more rocket, increasing his ammo capacity
Dynamike - Demolition: Adds +1000 damage to Mike’s Super
Bo - Snare a Bear: Instead of a knockback, Bo’s traps now stun the enemy for 2.0 seconds
El Primo - Meteor Rush: El Primo gains 32% speed boost for 5.0 seconds after using Super
Barley - Extra Noxious: Adds +140 damage per second to Barley’s attack
Poco - Screeching Solo: Poco’s Super now also hits enemies, dealing 1200 damage
Rosa - Thorny Gloves: Rosa’s punches gain +200 damage during her Super
Rico - Robo Retreat: When Rico falls below 40% health, he runs 34% faster
Darryl - Rolling Reload: When Darryl uses his Super, he reloads 3.0 ammo instantly
Penny - Balls of Fire: Cannonballs from Penny’s turret set the ground on fire for 3 seconds. Enemies in the burning area take 400 damage per second
Carl - Protective Pirouette: During Carl’s Super, all damage he receives is reduced by 30%
Piper - Snappy Sniping: When Piper hits an enemy (turrets and bots included) with her attack, she reloads 0.5 ammo instantly
Pam - Mama's Squeeze: Healing turret now also damages enemies for 300 damage per second
Frank - Sponge: Frank gains +1000 health
Bibi - Batting Stance: When Bibi’s Homerun bar is fully charged, she shields herself from all damage by 30%
Mortis - Coiled Snake: Mortis gains a Dash Bar! His dash range is increased by 100% when the bar is fully charged. It takes 3.0 seconds for the bar to charge when Mortis has all three dashes ready
Tara - Healing Shade: Tara’s Super cracks open a dimensional portal! A shadowy version of Tara’s appears to heal Tara and her teammates
Gene - Pat on the Back: Hitting teammates with Gene’s Super now heals them for 2000 health
Spike - Curveball: Spikes from cactus grenade fly in a curving motion, making it easier to hit targets
Crow - Carrion Crow: Crow deals +100 damage with his attack and Super to targets (turrets and bots included) with 50% or less health
Leon - Invisiheal - Leon recovers 600 health per second while his Super is active
Tick - Automa-Tick Reload: Tick's reload time is 15% shorter
Summer of Robots event (Coming soon)
New Main Menu Background
New Main Menu Music
Mecha Skins
Beach Environment (Brawl Ball, Heist and, Bounty)
New Skins (coming soon!)
Mecha Bo
Mecha Crow
Robo Mike
Robo Spike
Tara remodel
Star Points
Star Points are a new currency which you can use for exclusive items such as Star Skins (more items will come in the future). You get Star Points when you rank up your Brawler to ranks 10, 15 and 20 and at the end of every season (trophies that are lost are now converted to Star Points). Star Points will be given retroactively if you have already ranked up a Brawler
Trophy decay at the end of the season is now converted into Star Points (1 removed Trophy = 1 Star Point)
Star Points are also rewarded when achieving rank ups on Brawlers
Rank 10 = 100 Star Points
Rank 15 = 200 Star Points
Rank 20 = 300 Star Points
Star Skins - Exclusive Star Skins available for purchase with Star Points
Gold Mecha Crow - 50,000 Star Points
Night Mecha Crow - 10,000 Star Points
Gold Mecha Bo - 50,000 Star Points
Light Mecha Bo - 10,000 Star Points
Linebacker Bull - 2500 Star Points
Outlaw Colt - 500 Star Points
New Community Maps (and Map changes)
Gem Grab
Added: Acute Angle (new), Snake Cavern (new)
Removed: Stone Fort, Flooded Mine, Deep Siege
Added: Sandy Gems (new), Beachcombers (new), Hot Potato (aka Bone Tunnel)
Removed: Bridge Too Far, Twist and Shoot, Forks Out
Added: Sunstroke (new), Burning Sands (new), Shooting Star, Canal Grande
Removed: Bull Pen, Excel, Hideout, Dry Season.
Brawl Ball
Added: Beach Ball (new), Sunny Soccer (new)
Removed: Pinhole Punt, Sneaky Fields
Added: Mecha Match (new), Factory Rush (new)
Removed: Sparring Match, Bot Drop
Added: Cavern Churn
Removed: Passage
Game Balance
Players can now gain trophies more easily up to 500 Trophies on each of the Brawlers. Progress after 700 Trophies on a Brawler is now a bit more difficult
Penny Star Power Last Blast: Decreased amount of bombs from 6 to 4
Season Rewards now give Star Points instead of Tokens. You need to have at least one Brawler above 500 Trophies to receive Star Points at the end of a Season.
Siege now lasts a maximum of 2m 30s like other timed game modes
Siege has been rebalanced for the shorter duration
Rewards are now also similar to the other game modes to reflect the similar match duration
Increased Safe health from 40000 to 45000 (Heist games were shorter on average compared to other modes)
New Voice overs for Tara, Tick, and Bibi
The shop has been completely revamped
All Skins are now only available for purchase through the Shop Offers. They are no longer available on the Brawler Menu screens
Star Point offers are added into the shop
Bug Fixes
Bibi's Bat's face is back (iOS)
Carl’s eyes animation is fixed
Dynamike charges his Super if he hits 2 enemies with his Super again
🏆Available in the Trophy Road for 4000 Trophies 🏆
- Main attack: Minimines
Tick's main attack launches three mines that detonate on contact with an enemy or after a short delay
- Super Attack: Headfirst
Tick launches his head as a homing projectile that damages enemies in an area. The head can be destroyed before it reaches the target.
- Star Power: Well Oiled
Tick's self-regeneration starts 2 seconds earlier
New Star Powers
Every Brawler is getting a new Star Power. They will be released throughout the summer, so stay tuned! You can only equip one Star Power at a time. They can be equipped on the Brawler selection screen or in the Main Menu. They are available in Brawl Boxes and Shop offers. Star Powers can now be selected in the Main Menu and Brawler Menu.
Shelly - Band-Aid: When Shelly falls below 40% health, she instantly returns to full health. Band-Aid recharges in 20.0 seconds
Nita - Hyper Bear: Nita’s bear attacks faster. The time between swipes is reduced by 50%
Colt - Magnum Special: Colt’s main attack range and bullet speed are increased by 11%
Bull - Tough Guy: When Bull falls below 40%, health he gains a shield that reduces all damage taken by 30%
Jessie - Shocky: Scrappy, the Turret, now shoots energy orbs that bounce between enemies
Brock - Rocket Number Four: Brock finally gains one more rocket, increasing his ammo capacity
Dynamike - Demolition: Adds +1000 damage to Mike’s Super
Bo - Snare a Bear: Instead of a knockback, Bo’s traps now stun the enemy for 2.0 seconds
El Primo - Meteor Rush: El Primo gains 32% speed boost for 5.0 seconds after using Super
Barley - Extra Noxious: Adds +140 damage per second to Barley’s attack
Poco - Screeching Solo: Poco’s Super now also hits enemies, dealing 1200 damage
Rosa - Thorny Gloves: Rosa’s punches gain +200 damage during her Super
Rico - Robo Retreat: When Rico falls below 40% health, he runs 34% faster
Darryl - Rolling Reload: When Darryl uses his Super, he reloads 3.0 ammo instantly
Penny - Balls of Fire: Cannonballs from Penny’s turret set the ground on fire for 3 seconds. Enemies in the burning area take 400 damage per second
Carl - Protective Pirouette: During Carl’s Super, all damage he receives is reduced by 30%
Piper - Snappy Sniping: When Piper hits an enemy (turrets and bots included) with her attack, she reloads 0.5 ammo instantly
Pam - Mama's Squeeze: Healing turret now also damages enemies for 300 damage per second
Frank - Sponge: Frank gains +1000 health
Bibi - Batting Stance: When Bibi’s Homerun bar is fully charged, she shields herself from all damage by 30%
Mortis - Coiled Snake: Mortis gains a Dash Bar! His dash range is increased by 100% when the bar is fully charged. It takes 3.0 seconds for the bar to charge when Mortis has all three dashes ready
Tara - Healing Shade: Tara’s Super cracks open a dimensional portal! A shadowy version of Tara’s appears to heal Tara and her teammates
Gene - Pat on the Back: Hitting teammates with Gene’s Super now heals them for 2000 health
Spike - Curveball: Spikes from cactus grenade fly in a curving motion, making it easier to hit targets
Crow - Carrion Crow: Crow deals +100 damage with his attack and Super to targets (turrets and bots included) with 50% or less health
Leon - Invisiheal - Leon recovers 600 health per second while his Super is active
Tick - Automa-Tick Reload: Tick's reload time is 15% shorter
Summer of Robots event (Coming soon)
New Main Menu Background
New Main Menu Music
Mecha Skins
Beach Environment (Brawl Ball, Heist and, Bounty)
New Skins (coming soon!)
Mecha Bo
Mecha Crow
Robo Mike
Robo Spike
Tara remodel
Star Points
Star Points are a new currency which you can use for exclusive items such as Star Skins (more items will come in the future). You get Star Points when you rank up your Brawler to ranks 10, 15 and 20 and at the end of every season (trophies that are lost are now converted to Star Points). Star Points will be given retroactively if you have already ranked up a Brawler
Trophy decay at the end of the season is now converted into Star Points (1 removed Trophy = 1 Star Point)
Star Points are also rewarded when achieving rank ups on Brawlers
Rank 10 = 100 Star Points
Rank 15 = 200 Star Points
Rank 20 = 300 Star Points
Star Skins - Exclusive Star Skins available for purchase with Star Points
Gold Mecha Crow - 50,000 Star Points
Night Mecha Crow - 10,000 Star Points
Gold Mecha Bo - 50,000 Star Points
Light Mecha Bo - 10,000 Star Points
Linebacker Bull - 2500 Star Points
Outlaw Colt - 500 Star Points
New Community Maps (and Map changes)
Gem Grab
Added: Acute Angle (new), Snake Cavern (new)
Removed: Stone Fort, Flooded Mine, Deep Siege
Added: Sandy Gems (new), Beachcombers (new), Hot Potato (aka Bone Tunnel)
Removed: Bridge Too Far, Twist and Shoot, Forks Out
Added: Sunstroke (new), Burning Sands (new), Shooting Star, Canal Grande
Removed: Bull Pen, Excel, Hideout, Dry Season.
Brawl Ball
Added: Beach Ball (new), Sunny Soccer (new)
Removed: Pinhole Punt, Sneaky Fields
Added: Mecha Match (new), Factory Rush (new)
Removed: Sparring Match, Bot Drop
Added: Cavern Churn
Removed: Passage
Game Balance
Players can now gain trophies more easily up to 500 Trophies on each of the Brawlers. Progress after 700 Trophies on a Brawler is now a bit more difficult
Penny Star Power Last Blast: Decreased amount of bombs from 6 to 4
Season Rewards now give Star Points instead of Tokens. You need to have at least one Brawler above 500 Trophies to receive Star Points at the end of a Season.
Siege now lasts a maximum of 2m 30s like other timed game modes
Siege has been rebalanced for the shorter duration
Rewards are now also similar to the other game modes to reflect the similar match duration
Increased Safe health from 40000 to 45000 (Heist games were shorter on average compared to other modes)
New Voice overs for Tara, Tick, and Bibi
The shop has been completely revamped
All Skins are now only available for purchase through the Shop Offers. They are no longer available on the Brawler Menu screens
Star Point offers are added into the shop
Bug Fixes
Bibi's Bat's face is back (iOS)
Carl’s eyes animation is fixed
Dynamike charges his Super if he hits 2 enemies with his Super again