View Full Version : [Brawl Stars] Noutati

15-04-20, 02:40
Here are today's Balance Changes (and some bug fixing!):


Decreased Active Noise Canceling duration from 2.0s to 1.5s

Increased delay between Main Attacks by 25%
Decreased Main Attack damage from 1300 to 1200
Decreased Pneumatic Booster movement speed effect from 38% to 30%

Decreased Health from 3400 to 3200
Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue which displayed Underdog in Championship Challenge and Power Play
Fixed a bug which allowed Rosa's Gadget to hide IKE Turret from being targeted by enemy pets such as Penny's Mortar
Fixed a crash issue in Spring Trap
Robo Rumble: Fixed an issue with the Robo Boss sometimes getting stuck when spawning
Fixed an issue with pet/turret related activated Gadgets. Some of them were considering their last placement when being activated.