View Full Version : [CSGO] Quake Sounds v3

08-03-17, 10:37
* Titlu:[CSGO/CSS] Quake Sounds Overlays Edition
* Descriere: Classic quake sounds plugin with overlays instead of text.
This plugin is very simple and not have lot of customization.
Players can change their preferences with cookies using !settings command.
Sounds are standard Quake sounds (the most used).
* Download: aici (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=224316)
* Nume: [CSGO/CSS] Quake Sounds Overlays Edition
* Versiunea:3.5.0
* Instalare
:Download Quake_Sounds_v3.zip, extract contents of GameServer folder into your servers game folder (and FastDL to your fastdl server if you have one).
Compile the plugin using "Get Plugin", place this in '<game>/addons/sourcemod/plugins/'.