Nu te inregistra daca esti idiot sau agramat!


Conversation Between Khajiit and MONK.

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. panaramixxx x x
  2. pizdo ce vrei,poti sa mil bei
  3. gura,atata te dai mare pe aci,bosorogule!
  4. rusky,est.imd te ajunge timp fgm
  5. abdu,nu-l asculta.Abia stie cum il cheama pe khajit asta..fa ce vrei tu pe server..tu esti fondator,sef.
  6. Samil ungi khajita
  7. priceputu de mine cu sparta da ma ta
  8. sti ce meci ii diseara in champions league?
  9. Am nevoie de un ajutor
  10. le ai cu scriptu gay la 1.6?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 33
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