Nu te inregistra daca esti idiot sau agramat!


Conversation Between SageOTSP and LioNNN

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hai ca e bine
  2. Fac doar nimic
  3. Uite supraviețuiesc cum pot, tu ce mai faci ATVistule?
  4. cmf grasule
  5. Buborek limbaj
    baby boy off-topic
    le stergi tu posturile?
  6. Chiar ma gandeam ca vreau sa-l download-ez Merci!
  7. Esti designer. Poti da infraction de la Moderator in sus.
  8. Nu pot sa dau infraction
    De ce?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 81
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