Meh, :pro:.
Type: Posts; User: aDgors
Meh, :pro:.
:contra: comportamentul bos
:pro: succes
:pro: As a wise man said once, cam șmecher e băiețelul ăsta.
:contra: activitatea
:contra: No.
Post: Why does your business needs a logo?
User: Tailored_logo
Infraction: Reclama
Points: 60
Administrative Note:
Message to User:
Un edit la mesajul asta și T/C, va rog. :)
Post: Do you want to create a logo for your website?
User: kreate_logo
Infraction: Reclama
Points: 60
Administrative Note:
Message to User:
:contra: Acum 1-2 ani ai (re?)venit pe comunitate și ai inceput așa cum ești. Încă îmi amintesc cum unii ziceau că unele persoane se vor schimba in timp.
:pro: blana de stejar ești :*
:pro: Nu-l asculta pe gaymoshikito(stunt3r) ăsta.
:contra: Te-au lămurit răspunsurile de mai sus.
:contra: In caz că n-ai știut până acum și nimeni nu s-a oferit să te lumineze, îți trebuie propunere și activitate pentru Șef Penitenciar. /j
:pro: respect :*
:pro: daokwhatever
Post: Dismember is a Strength-primarily based fully bleed power
User: Emilylowes
Infraction: Reclama
Points: 60
Administrative Note:
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aDgors has reported a post.
Post: love marriage solutions
Forum: Evidenta Infractiuni
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: samanastro
Original Content:
Post: Pariuri Apost
User: RossoDavid11
Infraction: Reclama
Points: 60
Administrative Note:
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Post: Where can i find Best Guardians of the Galaxy Jackets?
User: elliottkennedyy
Infraction: Reclama
Points: 60
Administrative Note:
Message to User:
aDgors has reported a post.
Post: Dota2best Rampages
Forum: Moments
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: Babom10
Original Content:
aDgors has reported a post.
Post: [HA] Mario Kart Double Dash Mushroom Bridge
Forum: Harti
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: pecici2903
Original Content:
aDgors has reported a post.
Post: Genuine Fascination with Star-Lord Jackets
Forum: Tutoriale
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: harveyalexander
Original Content:
aDgors has reported a post.
Post: [HA] Mario Kart Double Dash Mushroom Bridge
Forum: Harti
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: Nicholasarr
Original Content:
Post: Top 10 Best Kitchen Gadgets to use in 2022
User: kitchen_master
Infraction: Reclama
Points: 60
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