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Thread: [Exploit] SV_CheckForDuplicateNames v2

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    User Info Menu

    [Exploit] SV_CheckForDuplicateNames v2


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    servere vulnerabile pentru bypass :

    sunt mai multe servere vulnerabile , du-te si cauta care ce si cum ( toate pana in update-ul asta)

    notita :
    1.0.0 --- Delay connect
    --- RevEmu
    --- SettiEmu
    --- oldRevEmu random
    --- AVSMP 1 random
    --- AVSMP 0 random
    --- SteamEmu random
    --- Native steam (valid certificate of steam) i mean it allows you to access the servers only-steam with my steamid on STEAM
    --- The ability to change the name of the selective
    --- CDKey valid+random

    --- i added you can you add more servers to cause them to crash
    --- a checkbox to make a "random name" in button/timer
    --- i changed a little the design , looks horrible earlier

    --- fix bug
    --- add hltv
    --- add player password
    --- i added the response from the server (ServerRecv/recvfrom)

    --- fixed "Invalid protinfo in connect command"
    --- i added some colors to the console

    --- add a checkbox "Bypass ReHLDS"
    --- maked a bypass for rehlds fix

    --- add a checkbox "console log" to enable/disable print in logtext
    --- "Console log" is for in case if you want to attack the servers faster to not processing so much the program
    --- the design was changed
    --- updated the "native steam" with the current certificate of valve (
    --- this bypass rehlds has been updated in several vulnerabilities (he is chosen random)
    --- CL_CreateFakePlayer send 2 players (not 3 as it was in previous versions)
    --- logtext is cleaned automatically at 30 of lines touched (to not freeze the software program)
    --- setinfo (userinfo) now and he is random (ex : cl_lw/cl_lc/topcolor etc..)
    --- at the end software the servers will be saved in ServerList.txt
    --- on opening the software , the servers will be indexed of ServerList.txt (if there is)
    --- add the button "-" is to display the console in the program , "<--" and to not display
    --- now logtext not allow ctrl+v(paste)

    --- unfreeze GUI window in loop (where is many servers in the list)
    --- add a command "connect" to connect player to server
    --- add a command "cmdlist" for show commands registred in software
    --- add a command "visit"
    --- add a command "echo" to print console
    --- add a command "quit" to quit software
    --- add a command "setinfo" to add a new userinfo in CL_CreateFakePlayer
    --- commands that do not exist will receive un message "unknown command : cmd"
    --- i added a small label that informs you how many servers have been attacked and how many more are attacked (udp sended 1/50)
    --- the choice of the name has been changed to 8 characters to be crash hlds greater
    --- console write un log in CL_cstrike/ServerConsole.ini
    --- moved ServerList.ini in CL_cstrike/ServerList.ini

    --- added emulator for SXEI (thanks to magister)
    --- fix small bug
    --- the "info" button now has a window

    --- removed timer in form1_loaded();
    --- add limit to NameText(18) and Server Password(40)
    --- moved label "udp sended" to groupbox
    --- await task.delay(100) changed to await task.delay(30) in CL_CreateFakePlayer
    --- added all message sended by SV_RejectConnection(0x09) in console software

    --- add a command "reload" to open new tab for software(form1)
    --- the program can't be opened 2 times (use reload for write a new memory)
    --- now sendrecv print the userid of the player sent by the server
    sunt mai multe servere vulnerabile , du-te si cauta nu stau sa dau mura in gura

    a da , cand primesti un mesaj in consola in care te anunta ca serverul ca e securizat iti specifica ca trebui sa bifezi "bypass rehlds" automat

    Download : ( rgho . st/7MlC5yGfl )
    Last edited by SkillartzHD; 25-01-19 at 10:14.

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