Tip poza : Semnatura
Dimensiuni (100x100 , 150x250 ,150x150 x 150x180 , 180x250) : 450x300
Stock/Tematica(imagine , obligatoriu) : https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=381091
Text : Symb0L
Culoare/i font : Sa se potriveasca
Alte informatii: Sa bagati textul asta daca incape
"Welcome to the League of Draven."
"Seems to be blood everywhere I go."
"Perfection? I got that."
"Not Draven; Draaaaven."
"Who wants some Draven? Heheheh." CU TOT CU GHILIMELE
Watermark : (ACS / ALPHACS / WWW.ALPHACS.RO):free
Ultimul "Topic Closed" pe care l-ai primit ( data )?: de mult