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Thread: Faq

  1. #1

    User Info Menu


    Intrebare: Cand a fost deschis prima data serverul?
    Raspuns: Serverul a fost deschis in beta testing pe data de 28.04.2019 dar a fost lansat oficial pe data de 27.05.2019. OneBlock a fost adaugat pe data da 18.08.2020.

    Intrebare: Ce sunt tagurile si cum le pot obtine?
    Raspuns: Tagurile sunt niste cosmetice care iti apar langa nume in chat si in TAB. Acestea pot fi castigate din TAG Crates.

    Intrebare: Cum fac rost de TAG Keys?
    Raspuns: TAG Keys pica din Vote Crates sau pot fi cumparate cu bani IRL.

    Intrebare: Am vazut ca alti jucatori zboara. Folosesc Hack sau toti jucatorii pot zbura?
    Raspuns: Toti jucatorii au acces la comanda /fly insa timpul de fly este limitat.

    Intrebare: Cum fac rost de mai mult timp pentru fly?
    Raspuns: O modalitate este sa votezi. Un vot ofera 15 minute de zbor.De asemenea, zilnic primesti minute de zbor daca te conectezi. Rank-urile vip, premium si sponsor ofera timp de zbor zilnic mai mult.

    Intrebare: De ce atunci cand ma conectez nimeni nu poate sa ma loveasca, inclusiv mobii? De asemenea itemele au durabilitate infinita?
    Raspuns: Toata lumea primeste protectie 2 ore de cand au intrat prima data pe survival. Aceasta protectie opreste orice damage si itemele tale nu pot fi distruse in acel timp.

    Intrebare: Se fac events pe server?
    Raspuns: Pe server se fac events insa nu la fel ca pe celelalte server (giveall sau drop) ci se fac events de tipul /dailyrewards, /eastereggs etc.

    Intrebare: Cat de des se fac events pe server?
    Raspuns: Pentru events nu exista o data si un interval stabilit. De obicei aceste events sunt facute de sarbataori precum Paste, Craciun, Halloween, etc.

    Intrebare: Cine este ownerul serverului?
    Raspuns: Ownerul serverului este BlitzGamer_88 (1S1S pe forum).

    Intrebare: Pot primi grad/rank pe server?
    Raspuns: Rank-urile staff sunt date pe merite, iar rank-urile vip, premium si sponsor pot fi cumparate cu bani IRL.

    Intrebare: Pot primi iteme gratis in cazul in care le-am pierdut pe ale mele?
    Raspuns: Staff-ul serverului nu raspunde de itemele pierdute de catre tine. Cu toate acestea jucatorii au voie sa iti dea iteme.

    Intrebare: Cum pot primi rankul DONATOR?
    Raspuns: Acest rank il primesc toti jucatorii care au ajutat serverul cu o donatie de minim 25 RON/5 Euro. Acest rank este de asemenea permanent.

    Intrebare: Ce primesc daca donez si unde vad cum pot dona?
    Raspuns: Preturile si metodele de plata pentru donatii le puteti vedea pe discord in canalul #donor-prices.

    Intrebare: Cum pot intra pe serverul de discord?
    Raspuns: Foloseste acest link:
    Last edited by 1S1S; 13-02-20 at 17:08.

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Question: When was the server first launched?
    Answer: The server was opened for beta testing on 28.04.2019 but was officialy launched on 27.05.2019. OneBlock was added later on 18.08.2020.

    Question: What are TAGS and how can I get one?
    Answer: Tags are cosmetic words that will show near your name in Chat and Tab. These can be won from TAG Crates.

    Question: How can I get TAG Keys?
    Answer: TAG Keys pica can be won from Vote Crates or they can be bought using IRL money.

    Question: I've seen that some other players are flying. Are they hacking or do they have some custom percks?
    Answer: All players can fly using the command /fly. Careful tho! The fly time is limited.

    Question: How can I get more fly time?
    Answer: One way to get more fly time is to vote for the server. You also get daily fly time if you just connect to the server. Vip, premium and sponsor ranks get more daily time.

    Question: Why can't I get damage when I first connect to the server? same for my tools.
    Answer: Everyone gets a 2 hour protection the first time they connect. This is so they can start without dying over and over again

    Question: Are there any events on this server?
    Answer: Yes there are events but they are not like the events you get on the most servers (giveall or drop) but there are dailyrewards events, eastereggs events and others

    Question: How often are there events on this server?
    Answer: There is no date or interval set for events. Usually there are events during the holidays like Easter, Christmas, Halloween, etc.

    Question: Who is the owner of the server?
    Answer: The owner is BlitzGamer_88 (1S1S on Forum).

    Question: Can I get ranks on this server?
    Answer: Staff ranks are given on merit and vip, premium and sponsor ranks can be bougt using IRL money.

    Question: Can I get free items if I lost mine?
    Answer: The staff team is not responsible for your lost items. All these said, other palyers are not interdicted from helping you.

    Question: How can I get the DONOR rank?
    Answer: This rank is given to everyone that helped the server with a donation of minimum 25 RON/5 Euro. This rank is also permanent

    Question: How can I donate and what do I get if I donate?
    Answer: Prices and payment methods for donations can be seen on discord in the #donor-prices channel.

    Question: How can I join the discord server?
    Answer: Use this link:
    Last edited by 1S1S; 03-04-20 at 16:52.

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