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[Plugin] Audio Plugin by Incognito
Ce este?
Acest plugin te lasa sa asculti melodii pe un server de SA-MP.
Vor auzi melodia care va fi pornita de unul dintre administratorii/useri serverului (in functie de scripting), doar cei ce au instalat si clientul audio in San Andreas-ul lor.
*Server de test: (instalati audio client mai intai , apoi in joc va dati /play garcea 0 sau /radio (/radio 0 /radio1 )
Ce Contine?/Download
Client Plugin (Windows) (Mirror)
Server Plugin (Windows and Linux) (Mirror)
Client Plugin Source Code (Windows) (Mirror)
Server Plugin Source Code (Cross-Compatible) (Mirror)
Daca serverul tau este pe windows atunci ai nevoie de Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 minim sau mai mare, altfel pluginul nu va functiona!
Tutorial De Instalare!
Date Importante:
Creates the TCP server (done automatically—no need to use unless restarting); note that this must be on the same port that the SA-MP server is using
Destroys the TCP server (no need to use unless restarting)
Audio_SetPack(const audiopack[], bool:transferable = true);
Maps audio files specified under the pack name in audio.ini, and sets whether the pack should be transferable (if it is not, then only CRC checks—or, if the files are remote, file size checks, and if it is an archive, file count checks—will take place)
Creates a sequence (returns the sequenceid)
Destroys a sequence
Audio_AddToSequence(sequenceid, audioid);
Adds a mapped audio file to a sequence
Audio_RemoveFromSequence(sequenceid, audioid);
Removes all instances of a mapped audio file from a sequence
Audio_Play(playerid, audioid, bool:pause = false, bool:loop = false, bool:downmix = false);
Plays a mapped audio file for a client and specifies whether it should start paused, whether it should be looped, and whether the audio stream should be downmixed to mono (returns the handleid)
Audio_PlaySequence(playerid, sequenceid, bool:pause = false, bool:loop = false, bool:downmix = false);
Plays a sequence for a client and specifies whether it should start paused, whether it should be looped, and whether the audio stream should be downmixed to mono (returns the handleid)
Audio_PlayStreamed(playerid, const url[], bool:pause = false, bool:loop = false, bool:downmix = false);
Streams a URL for a client and specifies whether it should start paused, whether it should be looped, and whether the audio stream should be downmixed to mono (returns the handleid)
Audio_Pause(playerid, handleid);
Pauses playback for an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid
Audio_Resume(playerid, handleid);
Resumes playback for an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid
Audio_Stop(playerid, handleid);
Stops playback for an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid
Audio_Restart(playerid, handleid);
Restarts playback for an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid
Audio_Seek(playerid, handleid, seconds);
Seeks playback in seconds for an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid
Audio_SetVolume(playerid, handleid, volume);
Adjusts volume (0-100) for an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid
Audio_Set3DPosition(playerid, handleid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:distance);
Sets the 3D position (game world coordinates) of an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid
Audio_Set3DOffsets(playerid, handleid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
Sets the 3D offsets of an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid (audio stream must be downmixed or encoded in mono)
Audio_SetFX(playerid, handleid, type);
Applies a sound effect an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid (audio stream must be downmixed or encoded in mono); valid values are as follows:
0: Chorus
1: Compression
2: Distortion
3: Echo
4: Flanger
5: Gargle
6: I3DL2 Reverb
7: Parametric Equalizer
8: Reverb
Audio_RemoveFX(playerid, handleid, type);
Removes a sound effect from an audio stream assigned to a player's handleid (audio stream must be downmixed or encoded in mono); valid values are listed above
Audio_SetEAX(playerid, environment);
Sets the client's EAX environment for both all active audio streams (must be downmixed or encoded in mono) and the game itself; valid values are as follows (note: this setting will not work in Windows Vista or higher as Microsoft dropped support for DirectSound and DirectSound3D hardware acceleration):
0: Generic
1: Padded Cell
2: Room
3: Bathroom
4: Living Room
5: Stone Room
6: Auditorium
7: Concert Hall
8: Cave
9: Arena
10: Hangar
11: Carpeted Hallway
12: Hallway
13: Stone Corridor
14: Alley
15: Forest
16: City
17: Mountains
18: Quarry
19: Plain
20: Parking Lot
21: Sewer Pipe
22: Underwater
23: Drugged
24: Dizzy
25: Psychotic
Removes the EAX environment for the player
Returns the player's TCP server connection status
Transfers the currently set audio pack to a player
Called when a player connects to the TCP server
Called when a player disconnects from the TCP server
Called when an audio pack is set
Audio_OnTransferFile(playerid, file[], current, total, result);
Called when a player completes the transfer of a file; the result can be one of the following:
0: Local file downloaded successfully
1: Remote file downloaded successfully
2: Archive extracted successfully
3: File passed CRC check, file size check, or file count check
4: File could not be downloaded, file did not pass the CRC or file size check, or archive could not be extracted (if the audio pack is non-transferable)
Audio_OnPlay(playerid, handleid);
Called when a player starts an audio file
Audio_OnStop(playerid, handleid);
Called when a player stops an audio file (including when the file finishes playing on its own)
Audio_OnTrackChange(playerid, handleid, track[]);
Called when a track change occurs in an online station
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