Hello i am using since today that Plugin, i have many Problems with Steamid Hacking/Stealing.
I tried to use Asis5 - it works good but it is not helping enough. Today anyone used in the self time my Steamid.

The Main Problem was, after activating that Plugin HLDS Shield my Server crashed 2 times in 2 minutes. There was no Errors. I have a Zombie Swarm Server
and i was wondering about message like Log:

L 01/02/2017 - 11:58:41: [HLDS-Shield] I disabled a plugin that could confuse me,write "amxx plugins" to see the plugin disabled

i seen it after, but i dont know whcih Plugin he disabled. And the Server needed all Plugins what is added. Maybe Crash Reason? I dont know.. Any helpful Solutions or Ideas?

The Second Question - i need only protecting SteamID Hack - So when i would disable all in CFG but activate only ID hack Protection, would the Plugin working then?

//[CVAR 0] Turn off protection server -- SteamID Hack
//[CVAR 1] Turn on protection server -- SteamID Hack + The player will be Kicked
//Recommended 1
shield_steamidhack 1

I hope of Answers. THX