In the match between Renegades and TYLOO, the Australian side managed to take a close win (16-13 Mirage), while Imperial had no issues dealing with the other Chinese team at the event, CyberZen (16-6 Mirage).

With Justin "jks" Savage topping the board in terms of kills, Renegades shortly grabbed an 8-1 lead on the Terrorist side of Mirage. Then TYLOO brought out two AWPs on Kevin "xccurate" Susanto and HaoWen "somebody" Xu and it worked out perfectly as they shut down Renegades' approach towards B.

TYLOO mixed in some aggression in the next round and managed to establish enough of an economy to end the half strong, locking down the A site in the last round to make the score 9-6.

Renegades move into the 2-1 bracket after beating TYLOO
After grabbing the pistol round, TYLOO swiftly equalized the score at 9-9, melting Renegades' massive first-half lead. A back-and-forth ensued: the Australians won the first buy round, TYLOO reset them, but Sean "Gratisfaction" Kaiwai then got them back into the game, securing three kills with a saved AWP.

It seemed like Renegades were going to close it out then and there, but xccurate got three kills on the B site entry and that pushed TYLOO back into the lead (12-11). Aaron "AZR" Ward and co. didn't falter, though, and managed to close out the game in the end, 16-13.